Sunday, August 26

Weekend Reel

How is it that another week has already passed? I can't tell you how many times I finally sit down at the end of the night with every intention of writing up a new post or two, open my google Reader & spend my quiet time reading everyone else's blogs! LOL. Then before I know it, its bedtime. And the weekends, don't even get me started on those. We are moving so fast in every direction that we hardly have time to take it all in. Then *BAM* its monday & the cycle starts all over again.
At this moment I find myself sitting here with the small dude asleep upstairs, & the medium & adult sized dudes sitting a few feet from me creating a new world out of wooden train tracks on the floor. And me with an open laptop on my lap. But the clock is tick tick ticking away & very soon it will be time put 'J' in bed for the night & tend to a house that has seen better days.
So before I go, I'll leave you with some snapshots of our past week, & a sneak peak of the Adventure we went on yesterday (fingers crossed you get the full story in the next day or two!)

Enjoy the Weekend Reel~
*Inspiration for a possible gift idea at the Pottery Studio
*Picked up my finished plate from Date Night with my BIG Sister

(Due to frost damage to early apple blossoms, we have a small apple crop. 
As a result, we cannot offer U-Pick Apples this year) 
*I was shocked & saddened to learn that there will be no apple picking this Fall. It is a family tradition & I can't yet wrap my brain around it.
 *Blowing Bubbles IN a Bubble Bath. 

 *Self-dressed toddler on a teething/congestion "hunger strike" 
equals long sleeves in 90* weather & baby food pouches
 *New project. Not even close to finished.

*What, me? I'm just sitting on my own. No biggie :)
*Taking advantage of my mum's sewing room while she's away,
this won't be the only visit in the next couple weeks...

*Mmmmm, pears
*Playing. Sharing. Giggling. Brothers.

*Choo-Choo...All aboard!
*Yes, that is EXACTLY who you think it is...Life-Sized!

 *The hit of the party
 *Our 2nd Annual baby group birthday gathering.
This is almost 1/2 the amount at last years, but it was
still fun to see the toddler hijinks that ensued.

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Why Hello there, Darling/Sir :)
Can't wait to hear what's on your mind.
Type away, Friend, type away~

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