I've been following Emily & her adorable family over at Joyful Abode for almost two years now. And have been seeing her post her #20choretuesday challenges on Instagram time & time again. Well, its about time I challenged myself! I'm no stranger to lists, as you know, but 20 "chores" in one day with two little tots stuck to me seemed a little out of my reach.
Not today! Today I am going to challenge myself to the max! Today will either end with a victory drink...or lots & lots of tears... it could go either way folks.
And its perfect timing seeing as how a "just got home from camping" bomb went off in the house. Speaking of our Camping Adventure, I promise to get a post up soon about that. It certainly was an adventure :)
Ok, enough stalling, lets get down to business here. I've made "the list", I've written a post about "the list", I am linking up "the list" with Emily to really put the pressure on to actually attempt/finish "the list", & finally I am sharing "the list" with YOU.
Here is "the list":
I am going to try & update throughout the day, or at least at the end of the day so don't forget to check back!
Also, if you don't see any activity on this blog for a while...maybe call the authorities...just in case "the list" won the battle...

Then Alistair decided he did not, in fact, want to continue to nap. So we tried out a "back carry" in the Ergo for the first time. He chilled back there, enjoying the view, while I kept at it.
Little by little the list got shorter & shorter. And even though I had an allergy flair up really bad last night, & am still completely congested, I am proud that I was able to keep up with the challenge. Now I can sit on my butt until next Tuesday...lol! You should join the challenge too! Link up with Joyful Abode or hashtag #20choretuesday on InstaGram so we can help cheer you on :)
Bottom Line: I feel proud & the house feels cleaner, its a win/win :)